Fair Processing Notice for Entrants



The agency Winning Moments, has agreed to share information about individuals that enter the competitions in order to promote the participating brands by informing entrants of future competitions, promotions and offers.


The first principle of the General Data Protection Regulation requires that personal data is processed fairly. To meet this requirement, we are under a duty to supply you with a Fair Processing Notice. In a sharing context, a Fair Processing Notice should at least tell an entrant (data subject):


The identity of the organisation who controls the data you are sharing

The reason it is being shared

The Agencies that your information is likely to be shared with

The organisation providing you with this notice and controlling the data that you have supplied is Winning Moments.


Personal data is being shared in order to enable:


The participating brands to share information regarding their company

To provide information regarding future competitions, promotions and offers

Compliance with legal and statutory obligations.

All participating Agencies that your information is likely to be shared with are recorded. These organisations process personal data which relates to personal contact details i.e. Name, Postal Address, Telephone Number, Mobile Number, Email Address and Date of Birth. All members of staff employed by these agencies are bound by the common law duty of confidentiality which means that information that you provide to us must be held in confidence and not shared with anyone else unless:


You provide consent to share the information.

Protocols are in place permitting partners to share information about you to support any intervention or services provided.

Reasonable steps must be taken to meet service user’s communication needs.


Under the General Data Protection Regulation you have the right to request a copy of your information.